Spring is now in full bloom and your thoughts might be turning to your garden, which has been in hibernation over the winter months and may not be looking its best. A good spring clean is not just for the house at this time of year!
A sweep and tidy up will transform your outdoor space within a matter of minutes, but some areas of your garden may need a little more attention. For example, patios can become very dirty over the winter months with muddy boots and paws, leaves, & rainy weather, leaving your patio area looking a bit dull.
So what is the best way to clean your natural sandstone paving?
You can use a simple method of washing up liquid, warm water and a scrubbing brush. Soapy water really does the trick to get rid of new stains on your paving, this is the simplest and safest way to clean Indian sandstone. Just make sure you use a washing up liquid or an acid-free soap based floor cleaning product. You will also need a good stiff brush that will be able to tackle the build up of dirt. Once your paving is scrubbed, rinse away the soapy mixture with water and leave to dry. Wait 24 hours if you need to repeat the process again.
You can use this process using a bleach solution that is equal parts bleach and water to dilute safely. Household bleach kills moss and algae, removes dirt and can help get rid of stubborn stains, more than a soapy water mixture alone. Ensure all pets and children are out of the way if you use any chemical cleaners. After you have drenched the area in the bleach solution, work it into the paving with a brush making sure to get in all the corners and gaps. Leave it to soak for roughly 15 minutes. Then, rinse away the solution using a watering can or hose.
Power washing is an ideal way to clean Indian sandstone and especially helpful if you have large areas to treat. However, you must find the right pressure setting as sandstone is relatively soft and a powerful jet stream could erode some of the stone leading to lasting damage. First, remove all furniture and sweep the area clean. Avoid spraying directly onto the slabs by using a diagonal motion across the slabs. Low-pressure cleaning is best to avoid streaks and patches, and especially over the joints of the paving. Blasting the jointing with a pressure washer is going to loosen it up, causing damage and weed growth, so extra care is to be taken when covering the jointing.
You can also use a professional Indian sandstone cleaner designed to remove the tougher stains. These come in different varieties, some need diluting, some won't, but generally, most specialist cleaners can be sprayed across your patio and left to work. Take extra care when using chemical cleaners and always read all the instructions before using.
Your paving should now look brighter and fresher leaving you to enjoy your outdoor space.